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Hiking in Brianza: By Anne Stubley

“ Autumn Walk”

One typically grey autumnal October morning , 19 Benvenuto ladies, husbands and friends set off for a morning's 7,5 km hike in the Parco Valcurone . Up hill, down hill and then back up hill again through vineyards , olive groves and with fabulous views of the surrounding countryside. Lots of talking went on , edible funghi were collected , lots of photos were taken and a good time was had by all. After the walk some members went for lunch and some returned home . All tired, happy and hungry !!! This is a great way to meet fellow members of the Club and make new friends. Husbands, and friends are always welcome on these walks which, Covid and weather allowing, we will continue until next June. Please contact Marisa Riva 3381308415 or

Anne Stubley 335247600

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